Welcome to the 21st century; the era of ultimate global uncertainty, chaos, innovation, change, dynamism, flux, speed, and complexity. In this era of intellectual capital and knowledge management, lifetime learning and innovation are keys to the survival of tomorrow’s organizations. Learning organizations harness “collective intelligence” and commitment for a common vision for the 21st century. Learning organizations are formed on the basis of five principles (Senge, 1990): Personal mastery, shared visioning, mental modeling, team learning, and systems thinking. In this project, as a learning organization, we will practice learning and creating knowledge together.
Imagine that we will collectively write a book for managers and leaders who will operate in the global world in the 21st century. Together as a class, we are formulating a list of top 100 concepts to better understand and prepare for the 21st century. We will aim this list to be innovative, holistic, comprehensive, visionary, futuristic and trans-disciplinary.
This will be our collective product or joint project. What do YOU think should be on this list? Come up with your best candidates for this list. These can be new terms or concepts related to management, organizations, business, economics, leadership, society, science, technology, innovation, arts, politics, or spirituality, and the global agenda. You can choose to include new trends, creative terminology, innovative developments, fresh perspectives, or emerging disciplines. You can prefer to choose new values, principles, practices, domains, or perspectives critical for the 21st century leader. Some of the examples, just to give you an idea, can be: social innovation, global corporate citizenship, appreciative inquiry, complexity sciences, web 2.0/web 3.0, quantum physics, nano-bio convergence... You can even invent your own term if you want to be a guru!

This will be our collective product or joint project. What do YOU think should be on this list? Come up with your best candidates for this list. These can be new terms or concepts related to management, organizations, business, economics, leadership, society, science, technology, innovation, arts, politics, or spirituality, and the global agenda. You can choose to include new trends, creative terminology, innovative developments, fresh perspectives, or emerging disciplines. You can prefer to choose new values, principles, practices, domains, or perspectives critical for the 21st century leader. Some of the examples, just to give you an idea, can be: social innovation, global corporate citizenship, appreciative inquiry, complexity sciences, web 2.0/web 3.0, quantum physics, nano-bio convergence... You can even invent your own term if you want to be a guru!
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