Welcome to MGCR 222 at McGill University!
Welcome to Intensive Organizational Behavior and Management Trainee Program at your dream company. During the course of seven weeks, we will have intensive brainstorming sessions, professional development workshops and executive training programs to help you and your colleagues to develop and apply OB knowledge as well as management and leadership skills for your career in the 21st century. This is not a traditional course, but more a rich global learning platform and a rewarding dynamic learning network. The course draws from a new and exciting paradigm called Positive Organizational Scholarship, the core premise of which is(http://www.bus.umich.edu/Positive/) that management and leadership excellence is fundamentally tied to creating/enabling organizational contexts that build human strengths and unlock the positive and generative dynamics of vibrant human communities. We will not limit ourselves within a traditional discipline; instead we will have transdisciplinary and futuristic perspectives on human behavior, organizations and management.
This is an integrative, innovative, and interdisciplinary course. It is meant to be a transformational, positive, enriching and rewarding experience for all of us. But this all depends on our assumptions, attitudes and collective effort. If you want to gain the maximum from this experience, focus on your independent learning for your career. Be engaged and involved. Make this course useful and helpful for your own goals and life. Go beyond this class and this course. Be creative and innovative. Create breakthrough projects and ideas for the future. Sharpen your skills. Challenge yourself. Bring your best contribution to the table. Let us learn from each other. What you get from this program all depends on what you put into this.
Welcome to Intensive Organizational Behavior and Management Trainee Program at your dream company. During the course of seven weeks, we will have intensive brainstorming sessions, professional development workshops and executive training programs to help you and your colleagues to develop and apply OB knowledge as well as management and leadership skills for your career in the 21st century. This is not a traditional course, but more a rich global learning platform and a rewarding dynamic learning network. The course draws from a new and exciting paradigm called Positive Organizational Scholarship, the core premise of which is(http://www.bus.umich.edu/Positive/) that management and leadership excellence is fundamentally tied to creating/enabling organizational contexts that build human strengths and unlock the positive and generative dynamics of vibrant human communities. We will not limit ourselves within a traditional discipline; instead we will have transdisciplinary and futuristic perspectives on human behavior, organizations and management.
This is an integrative, innovative, and interdisciplinary course. It is meant to be a transformational, positive, enriching and rewarding experience for all of us. But this all depends on our assumptions, attitudes and collective effort. If you want to gain the maximum from this experience, focus on your independent learning for your career. Be engaged and involved. Make this course useful and helpful for your own goals and life. Go beyond this class and this course. Be creative and innovative. Create breakthrough projects and ideas for the future. Sharpen your skills. Challenge yourself. Bring your best contribution to the table. Let us learn from each other. What you get from this program all depends on what you put into this.
In today’s global, rapidly changing knowledge based economy, learning about human systems and organizational behavior is one of the smartest investments you can make for your future. In this course, I am seeking professionals who are bright, passionate, willing to take initiative, care about developing themselves and yet also care about their colleagues, community, and the world. We will work on real-life projects to enhance the mutually beneficial partnership between the world and McGill.
There are a lot of interesting developments around the concept of web 2.0; revolutionizing the Internet. Think of the examples of Youtube, Linux, Craigslist, Napster, Kazaa, Skype, Flickr, MySpace, Technorati, Delicious, Facebook, Blogger, and others. The new innovators and thought leaders operating on the web are called network idealists (Lowy, Hood & Singer, 2005) who develop organic, cellular, distributed network structures for innovation. In this course, we will synthesize the emerging power of web 2.0, open source revolution, and collective intelligence with strategic thinking, leadership, and organizational behavior. Many companies today use blogs as part of their corporate and marketing strategies. Welcome to the blog of our class MGCR 222. We will use this blog as our collective journal and our collaborative innovative platform. You are all contributors and visionaries who will create knowledge to better understand the world in the 21st century.
A learning organization harnessing collective intelligence
We will utilize this blog as an open platform for our learning and knowledge creation. You will be co-authors and create a collective journal. Think of it as if we are writing a book together. You will learn greatly from each other. This will be a valuable opportunity to create knowledge together. Together as a class; we will truly be a learning organization. Our class blog will hopefully be a long term learning platform for us. We will maintain it after the class is over. We will create high quality knowledge together. We will harness the power of collective intelligence, creativity, imagination, and innovation. The biggest learning and knowledge will come from your peers.