"Visions of World Benefit & Global Responsibility: Perspectives of McGill Students

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Accelerating Change

Our speed of life has been accelerating along with the innovation of technology: the television, the radio, and now the internet. The transmission of news and knowledge has become instantly possible. For an organization, the ability to conduct "continual systemic adaptation" (Cowan; Todoric, 1996) to this ever-changing environment is becoming a crucial necessity. Accelerating Change is a terminology coined to describe the new type of flexibility and speed needed of an organization in this fast paced world of information technology and constant shifts in consumer interest and demands. The organization must be prepared to "fundamentally change they way they think" and be "open to the idea of continuous learning" (Shelton; Darling, 2001).

This concept is indeed difficult to adapt to, asking for an organization and its members for constant agility and will to change. Yet it is as simple as Darwin’s idea of "Natural Selection" and comparable to the idea of "Survival of the Fittest" coined by Herbert Spencer, where in the case of management, the "strongest [organization is enabled] to survive and the weaker, more poorly adjusted ones to die out." (http://www.wwco.com/religion/believe/believe_15.html)

For an organization of have the complex flexibility, awareness of the new Quantum paradigm becomes crucial. Quantum seeing will release organizations from "remain[ing] stuck in their current mindsets" (Shelton; Darling, 2001). Quantum thinking will enable the organization to become aware of its own parodoxity, providing solutions to management questions that "simply cannot be answered logical, linear, decision-making processes" (Shelton; Darling, 2003). In this era of increased fluctuation in ideologies and systems, for any organization to "effectively fulfill their leadership roll, as well as their management roll," (Shelton; Darling, 2003) it must have the ability to "take them beyond the world of mechanistic, reductionistic, deterministic principals and practices" (Shelton; Darling, 2003) by structurally reforming their systems of Management, loosing the levels of bureaucracy, simplifying the process of actions, to essentially boost the effectiveness of radical decisions made.

As the organization takes in these qualities of flexibility, towards all aspects of social, political, environmental, cultural and global elements trough their quantum skills, it will build the basis of this learning organization and render the competency and speed needed to cope with our emergent world.

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