The conductor of an orchestra is to the musicians as the CEO of a company is to the employees of the company.
A conductor of an orchestra has 3 major responsibilities: to inform the orchestra of the selections they will be playing (an overview of goals), to rehearse them (by doing so providing feedback, implementing his vision, and musicality), and to perform with them (carrying out the task to completion, realizing goals). These duties can be paralleled in the business world. A CEO is responsible for informing his employees of the tasks and goals he has set out for them, educating them on how to complete the tasks and carrying out the tasks to completion. A CEO must influence his co workers with his style to achieve maximum uniformity in the project. While there is room for creativity and individuality, the team must cooperate and understand a common goal or ideal. By informing the team of the goal (like asking musicians to listen to a favourite recording of a piece before rehearsing it) everyone will have an understanding of what the final product will involve. An orchestral conductor is most definitely a social artist, someone who is continually working on themselves and their followers[1], and so is a CEO who is looking out for the best interest of the company and every aspect and person involved in it.
A conductor of an orchestra has 3 major responsibilities: to inform the orchestra of the selections they will be playing (an overview of goals), to rehearse them (by doing so providing feedback, implementing his vision, and musicality), and to perform with them (carrying out the task to completion, realizing goals). These duties can be paralleled in the business world. A CEO is responsible for informing his employees of the tasks and goals he has set out for them, educating them on how to complete the tasks and carrying out the tasks to completion. A CEO must influence his co workers with his style to achieve maximum uniformity in the project. While there is room for creativity and individuality, the team must cooperate and understand a common goal or ideal. By informing the team of the goal (like asking musicians to listen to a favourite recording of a piece before rehearsing it) everyone will have an understanding of what the final product will involve. An orchestral conductor is most definitely a social artist, someone who is continually working on themselves and their followers[1], and so is a CEO who is looking out for the best interest of the company and every aspect and person involved in it.
Humans are quantum beings[2], they function in many different ways. By looking at the Quantum Skills Model (see Below), we can see that it applies to both musicians and employees.
Music teacher is to students as Inspirational leader/Social artist is to employees.
As a music teacher, my goal is to create a supportive learning environment that fosters the concepts of inspiration, flexibility and creativity. I would inspire my students by presenting myself as a positive role model and encouraging my students to develop themselves as people, by bringing their heart, soul, and spirit into every project/piece they contribute to[3]. By providing my students with a flexible environment that promoted mutual respect, I aspire to create collaborative networks[4] that promote self expression and new ideas. Finally, I wish to create a learning environment that promotes creativity. I aim to present my students with the tools they need to find new ways to bridge complex problems[5]. By giving them to tools to solve problems they will be able to grow as human beings and apply the concepts they learn into their everyday lives.
Music teacher is to students as Inspirational leader/Social artist is to employees.
As a music teacher, my goal is to create a supportive learning environment that fosters the concepts of inspiration, flexibility and creativity. I would inspire my students by presenting myself as a positive role model and encouraging my students to develop themselves as people, by bringing their heart, soul, and spirit into every project/piece they contribute to[3]. By providing my students with a flexible environment that promoted mutual respect, I aspire to create collaborative networks[4] that promote self expression and new ideas. Finally, I wish to create a learning environment that promotes creativity. I aim to present my students with the tools they need to find new ways to bridge complex problems[5]. By giving them to tools to solve problems they will be able to grow as human beings and apply the concepts they learn into their everyday lives.
In management, the CEO should strive to create a similar environment. A work environment that is inspirational, flexible and creative. An inspirational CEO will try to tap into the full potential of every employee. He will be acknowledging, engaging, and will respect his co-workers as whole people[6]. He will instruct them to “bridge analytical and artistic sides to increase activity” (Karakas). A flexible CEO will promote mutual respect and understand that his co-workers are not robots, but human beings who have lives and situations that he may not be aware of. The creative CEO will try his best to make a creative environment and encourage employees to take in conferences, seminars, and to take part in other creativity-building exercises to maximize the creative potential of his co-workers
Quantum Skills Model
1. quantum seeing: the ability to see intentionally
1. quantum seeing: the ability to see intentionally
Musician: when listening to a conductor recommended recording, it becomes easier to understand the goals and vision of the ensemble
Employee: a project manager should fully explain his vision to the group and take into consideration everyone’s thoughts and ideas
Employee: a project manager should fully explain his vision to the group and take into consideration everyone’s thoughts and ideas
2. quantum thinking: the ability to think paradoxically
Musician: inviting open discussion about a piece is productive, but it is ultimately the conductor who decides which ideas are use and which are discarded
Employee: developing creative thinking is essential for any company to become more dynamic, while not all ideas may be used, the freedom to think ‘outside the box’ may inspire better ideas, for later projects
Employee: developing creative thinking is essential for any company to become more dynamic, while not all ideas may be used, the freedom to think ‘outside the box’ may inspire better ideas, for later projects
3. quantum feeling: the ability to feel vitally alive
Musician: expressing yourself through an instrument is communicating in another language, each instrument and each musician is like its own dialect, it is up to the musician to communicate their feelings through their instrument
Employee: self-talking or brainstorming is the path to discovering innovative ideas and ideologies, each employee should be encouraged to develop not only professionally, but also personally
Employee: self-talking or brainstorming is the path to discovering innovative ideas and ideologies, each employee should be encouraged to develop not only professionally, but also personally
4. quantum knowing: the ability to know intuitively
Musician: in a world or resources, there is always a DVD, or recording, or live concert to see/listen to, though live concert is the best, any of these media can be used as the launch pad for creative insight
Employee: in a world of resources, employees should be encouraged to use them, not everything has to be done individually, collaboration creates the best results
Employee: in a world of resources, employees should be encouraged to use them, not everything has to be done individually, collaboration creates the best results
5. quantum acting: the ability to act responsibly
Musician: while for most musicians, orchestral playing isn’t their only source of income, they must act responsibly and know their parts to be fully involved in the musical experience (transcending)
Employee: most employees have personal lives as well as professional, they must act responsibly and put their best effort towards their professional lives even when their personal ones are demanding more attention
Employee: most employees have personal lives as well as professional, they must act responsibly and put their best effort towards their professional lives even when their personal ones are demanding more attention
6. quantum trusting: the ability to trust life’s process
Musician: the chaos of section rehearsals will ensure that all of the small components of the large scale work are given attention, when all of the parts come together the result is a more complete interpretation and only minor adjustments are necessary
Employee: companies and teams of employees must be able to trust one another to work on a larger project (by working in smaller teams), this trust will enable a better result because several people will be concentrating on different parts of a project versus one person spreading themselves too thin and overlooking detail
Employee: companies and teams of employees must be able to trust one another to work on a larger project (by working in smaller teams), this trust will enable a better result because several people will be concentrating on different parts of a project versus one person spreading themselves too thin and overlooking detail
7. quantum being: the ability to be in a relationship
Musician: the relationship between a conductor and his orchestra is personal, expressive, and demands respect
Employee: the relationship between a CEO and his employees is personal (professionally speaking), collaborative and while initially demanding respect – is based on trust
Employee: the relationship between a CEO and his employees is personal (professionally speaking), collaborative and while initially demanding respect – is based on trust
[1] A Portrait of the Leader in the 21st Century: Fahri Karakas
[2] Handout: Implications of Quantum Physics for Management
[3] The 21st Century Leader: Social Artist, Spiritual Visionary, and Cultural Innovator: Fahri Karakas
[4] The 21st Century Leader: Social Artist, Spiritual Visionary, and Cultural Innovator: Fahri Karakas
[5] The 21st Century Leader: Social Artist, Spiritual Visionary, and Cultural Innovator: Fahri Karakas
[6] The 21st Century Leader: Social Artist, Spiritual Visionary, and Cultural Innovator: Fahri Karakas
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